Sunday, February 10, 2019

Don't Drink the Water ... Again!

My water tastes weird. City of Austin officials say that zebra mussels have colonized the water pipes and when they die in large numbers that alters the water. This time I can't boil the water and make it palatable. They say it's safe and so far I feel fine. Except when I try to drink or use the tap water and I think I'm consuming rotten water. My meal last night was difficult to enjoy. I tried holding my breath but the water still tastes bad. This is the first time in my life that I have ever bought water because the tap water is undrinkable and it ruins your meals.The first time in my life. I'm supposedly in the coolest city in America and I can't drink the water. I always tell my dentist I don't need the fluoride treatments because all I drink is tap water. Maybe not anymore. I heard a guy on talk radio who recently moved here from Cleveland give his prognosis about the water situation. He said in Cleveland the water always tasted bad and eventually everyone starts smelling bad and you don't even notice it. Nice.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Don't Drink Here

There are a few neighborhoods where you can't drink in public. I can walk down the street with a beer to visit my neighbor in South Austin. But if you're in a neighborhood that you see in the pics in East Austin then you can't walk down the street with a beer to visit your neighbor. What's the history that led to the ban? I'm thinking it has something to do with alcohol and drugs. I have not seen signs banning walking down the street with bread or meat cutlets. And most people don't want to deal with intoxicated idiots. Or is it another law targeting poor black and brown people within a racist criminal justice system?