Monday, December 24, 2018

Bike Breakdown

I bike in the rain and its slippery and I've wiped out several times. No injury the CBD can't cure. But my bike must have been injured more than me on the day of the pics below. I slipped in the afternoon on the way home on a metal piece on the sidewalk out of work. I almost wiped out again but caught my balance and biked home. On my way back to school the next morning I crossed the very metal piece I slipped on the day before and as I turned to the concrete again my chain went out. I thought it was an easy fix but you can see from the pictures a piece broke making it inoperable. Seems like a weird coincidence I made the round trip before it busted and in the same spot. Weird, dude. And one little piece makes the difference. Apparently these pieces break regularly. Does it show that the designers made the bike vulnerable but fixable due to likely accidents so that the whole frame doesn't need to be replaced? Or that the designers made a terrible bike flaw?

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