Saturday, January 26, 2019

Death by Car

Its one of the big fears of biking that some idiot not paying attention will run you over and kill you. Im guilty myself of distracted driving from any number of causes. When you bike you feel more vulnerable to injury and death compared to driving. In cars you feel invulnerable. I think that's why so many people drive like idiots and don't pay attention to what they're doing. Which leads to the huge number of auto wrecks. I actually feel safer biking around town than driving in Austin. These pics show the sad incident when being a biker is a vulnerability. Give bikers their own paths away from all cars. Lets get rid of cars. Its a pipe dream. Until then Im going to keep biking and not let the people in cars who go along with the destruction of the planet to stop me from biking. If the lord wants to take me then Im ready.

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