Saturday, January 26, 2019

Ravens Imprisoned in Austin

Why are these awesome birds in prison? For the pleasure of the creatures in Austin at the top of the food chain. Does this caged bird sing? Ravens are very intelligent and social creatures. I posted about a group of ravens out in LA in an earlier post. They were causing a ruckus on my brothers property. I admire them for their animal culture and not giving much of a care about the humans in their midst.. You can just put up with them. You can try to alter their behavior. Or you can shoot them as a menace. But don't put them in cages. This is cruel and disturbing. You can see nature by going into it. And there's plenty of it in Austin. You may not see a wide spectrum of animals but you'll see enough. What's the point of a zoo of any kind? Most animals in zoos are victims of something messed up with urban people. Are there zoos in the country? Its a troubling legacy of the isolation of urban people from their roots in nature.

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