Sunday, March 15, 2020

Good Timing at Rainey Street - It Still Sucks

When I first came to Austin I thought I would spend all kinds of time listening to great music by inspired musicians. And I did. It cost a lot of money because beverages are expensive at bars. I still love to see live music but I rarely do that anymore. It costs a lot less to stay at home and watch YouTube videos of Canaan's Land and drink your own beverages than to go out to Rainey Street or some other locale and hear this beautiful American music. When I think of first hearing awesome Americana music in Austin I used to believe it was all part of a progressive cultural movement that would change the world. The sixties cultural events are seen as having such a big impact but the more I live and the more I learn and reflect on the decades it seems like the sixties was no more big of a deal than any time. And now is as important as any time. The early 2000s in Austin were a big deal for me. But now I can look back at twenty years and see a lot hasn't changed. Go back about fifty years and the same can be said. It's a lot better now but a lot of problems remain. And Rainey Street gentrification is a reminder of the problems. Listen to a full version of Canaan's Land and forget about your troubles. That's what I did here.

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