Thursday, March 26, 2020

Homeless Camps and Virtue Signaling

Homelessness is one of those issues you see and know about but somehow fades into the background most of the time. These pics are kind of like that cuz you can barely see there are tents and homeless encampments but believe me they are really there. Biking by the other day when SXSW should have been here there were a scattering of people and a group of young people were looking in the same place as you see here. Before this mess of the coronavirus it was homelessness that was a big issue here in Austin. Conservatives complain that the weakening of anti-camping ordinances led to more crime and problems. And they say its inhumane to leave mentally and physically ill on the street. I agree with both of these complaints. But those conservatives don't want to pay for fixing the problem. how can you help people without paying for it. So the only solution in the meantime would be kciking them out and harassing them which is what the liberals complained about. Virtue signal but don't do anything that will fix the problem. Its a problem on the left and the right. But if there are enemies to kill conservatives will spend godless amounts of money on that. And they say America first. Corporate hacks just like most liberals.

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