Sunday, March 15, 2020

No more 1st Amendment Right to Assembly

With all the hysteria about the coronavirus and the inability of the government to use its resources to halt the spread of the virus we are now in fascist mode. Austin liberal leaders have unilaterally outlawed gatherings of more than 250 people. The first step was to declare a state of emergency and then the state conservative leadership did the same for the whole state. So the constitution and regular laws can be suspended. Universities and schools are shutting down with no idea of when or if we'll return. Big concerts and events are all being cancelled. No SXSW! Those idiots running the government must be scared of something if they shut down SXSW. Or they're not afraid of the bad economic and social consequences to the society because we have an election coming up and how else is Trump going to be defeated? The Sanders rally in February wouldn't be allowed today. Would they arrest us if we did it anyway. I heard a bunch of liberals say it is our social duty to follow the dictates of the liberal dictators. This is how fascism grows whether from the liberals or conservatives. What's the next national emergency they'll use further curb our constitutional rights and liberties? Liberals are right to be scared of the fascist tendencies among the conservatives but conservatives are right to be wary of the fascism lurking among the liberals.

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